Lay large square of parchment down on your work surface.
Place 5-8 large lettuce leaves in the center of parchment paper, creating a base about 9" by 10". If any pieces break, layer smaller ones together to cover the area.
Layer turkey, bacon feta, olives and balsamic mayo. Season with salt and pepper.
Using parchment paper as a guide, as tightly as you can roll the lettuce up, starting with the end closest to you.
Once you the roll has begun, tuck the ends of the wraps towards the middle. Continue to roll the lettuce wrap, keeping it as tight as possible and using the parchment paper to guide you.
Continue to roll the lettuce wrap, keeping it as tight as possible and using the parchment paper to guide you.
With a serrated knife, carefully slice through the lettuce wrap, stopping just before the bottom of the parchment. This keeps everything neatly in place.